Are you tired of seeing the same organic chemistry practice problems, or simply don’t have enough of them to practice your skills?
If you’re calling for SOS, the Solving Organic Synthesis practice problems might help.
Are you an Elementary Explorer or already a Molecular Manipulator ?
PRACTICE PROBLEMS #1 (free download, 4 pages)
NEW: SOLUTIONS #1 (free download, 15 pages)
TOPICS IN #1: Drug synthesis, radical reactions, cyclizations, Bredt’s rule

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In addition to my educational content on social media (Instagram, YouTube…), I’ve decided to compile problem sets that cover various aspects of organic chemistry.
The problems will keep a balance of topics, difficulties and molecules but because I’m doing this for you folks, I’m eager to hear which topics you are struggling with or simply interested in the most!
In future, we might also break down how to approach different chemistry questions. For example, how do we suggest reasonable reaction mechanisms for a given reaction even if we do not know the product? Or what are the best tricks to simplify retrosynthesis problems to synthesize a complex structure? If this sounds interesting, let me know!